Design Development May 14, 2020

OneBeat Mobile App

This beautiful and functional mobile application makes listening to music together possible from anywhere in the world.


Design and develop the mobile application.

  • Client

    Double Symmetry

  • Tech

    iOS, Android, Kotlin Multiplatform

Open Project
01 // Project overview

Share and enjoy
music with others
anywhere in the world.

We set out to design and develop an application that would meet these broad expectations. The goal was to create an app that let users from anywhere in the world join, queue and listen to music together using their favourite music providers via online sessions.

02 // Challenges

Minimal onboarding.
Different network

With the requirement of minimal onboarding, we had to ideate a design that users could easily identify with and know how to use. Given that users could be anywhere in the world also turned out to be an interesting technological challenge because of the vast differences in internet connections, speed, and availability.

03 // Approach

No accounts.
Efficient networking.
Beautiful app.

04 // Statistics

Project by the numbers.


App Mockups

Creating full UI/UX mockups across both platforms.


Music Providers

Allowing users to choose between Spotify and Soundcloud. Apple Music in the works.


Analytic Events

Working with our internal product expert we created and set up an analytics strategy for visualising user flows and optimisations.

Design & Mobile Development
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We’re a small team who are excited about unique ideas and help founders to create successful mobile products by crafting world-class applications.
